
One Set of Exams Down

C and F Blocks had their Forces and Laws of Motion exam today. Some folks need some more time and are filing in tomorrow before school to finish up. In class, C Block will begin their investigation of work and energy with discussion of work. F Block will investigate conservation of energy and conversions between kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy. You're homework tonight is to answer those preliminary questions at the start of the lab and that might involve a perusal of Chapter 5 to nail down the answers. But, it will also get you thinking about the lab concepts and provide a foundation to understand your results. And, I expect you to demonstrate that understanding in the Conclusion section of your lab write-up.

B and E Blocks take their exams tomorrow and if you need more help, see me tomorrow before school. You do have all the skills to work the problems, but you have to be able to decide which skills to use and apply them appropriately. And, don't neglect the basic content and concepts. It is easy to focus only on the math and forget basic definitions and ideas that the math supports. On Monday, we'll begin our study of work and energy with E Block conducting an investigation on energy and energy conservation and B Block diving into the topic of work.

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