
Heat Transfer

C Block had their exam review today, which frees up tomorrow for your lab investigations. Those labs will reinforce today's review of chapter topics and give you some additional practice working with the math of the chapter. The write-up won't be due on Thursday, so don't worry about trying to get that finished while preparing for the exam.

B, E and F Blocks concentrated on mechanisms of heat transfer today. After reviewing the latent heat homework, we launched into a discussion of conduction, convection and radiation and described a number of examples of each heat transfer mechanism at work. Make sure you can define each and recognize examples of each for the test. We also looked at conductors and insulators and how they could be used to regulate heat flow into or out of a system. Again, examples were used to highlight this part of the lesson, so be able to explain an example on Thursday's exam. Tomorrow is review, so come with questions that you have about the material.

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