
Labs + Review

B and E Blocks worked on their simple harmonic motion labs, which used an oscillating mass-spring system and a motion detector to investigate simple harmonic motion and the waves formed when objects vibrate in this fashion. The very nice sine curves you saw on your computers indicated that the motion was clearly simple harmonic in nature and it made assessing properties such as amplitude, period and frequency pretty darn easy. Folks got to work with the equation for this type of motion:

y = A sin(2πft + φ) + y0

and play with the phase constant (φ), which we'll revisit later when we get into light and interference. B Block will finish up with the data analysis on Monday before moving into Sound; E Block is going to jump right in...

C and F Blocks reviewed for tomorrow's exam on vibrations and waves. Make sure to know the definitions and concepts, as well as the math involved. Having a good foundation in this chapter will not only get you a good test score on your record, but help you in upcoming chapters where we will expand on these basic ideas.

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