
Goodbye Loose Ends

Today was the settling of all affairs relevant to sound in preparation of tomorrow's assessment. B Block had a page-by-page review of the material after going over their Speed of Sound lab and harmonics/beats homework, then moved to an investigation that let folks look at how musically is structured mathematically. Note to people working on their graphs - it is not a quadratic relationship. If you think about what is actually going on, your brain might turn in another direction. We'll go over this lab on Monday and see what people came up with.

C Block went over their Speed of Sound and Mathematics of Music labs before turning attention to test review. It was nice to see that the speed of sound did increase with increasing temperature as we would predict and that music is an exercise in math, especially an exercise in ratios.

Since we reviewed yesterday, E Block was divided between people who wanted to study for tomorrow's test and those who wanted to investigate music. Those people will get a little lab bonus for their work, but hopefully, didn't need the time to succeed on tomorrow's assessment.

F Block went over their harmonics/beats homework, then had a page-by-page review of the material for tomorrow's test. I'm here before school if anyone needs anything at the 11th hour.

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