
Batteries and Capacitors

C Block was the odd-man out today, as they worked through the ideas of electric potential energy, electric potential and potential difference. Make sure you are very clear about each definition and the associated formulas. Between this chapter and last chapter, formulas look very similar and it is easy to get them mixed up on a test. Tomorrow, we'll extend the discussion of potential difference to the concept of batteries and power supplies - what role does a battery have in an electric circuit? Stay tuned and find out.

B Block finished up their capacitor lab, with write-ups due on Friday. Capacitors store charge and discharge on command, which is why they are great for turn signals and computer keys. Think about the RC relationship and what that means for capacitors charging and discharging and why linking two capacitors in series altered the RC value for the circuit. Tomorrow, we'll jump back into our discussion of potential difference and look at that battery potion of your circuit in more detail.

E Block took on the topic of capacitors and you'll work on your capacitor lab on the Monday we return from break. Capacitors act as storehouses of charge and the associated potential energy. When you need work done, you release the charge. We discussed factors that affect an object's capacitance (size, shape, plate spacing, permittivity of materials) and how to calculate various properties of capacitors. We'll go over these problems tomorrow before starting a general review of the material for your next exam. Friday, we'll start your capacitor lab, which we'll conclude when we return from break.

F Block linked yesterday's work on potential difference to the concept of a battery or power supply. Batters offer points of high and low electric potential that create the potential difference to stimulate charge flow. We looked at different types of batteries and clarified what voltage means for a battery and took a little time to preview the ideas of direct and alternating current. Tomorrow, we'll hit the idea of capacitors and Friday's lab will use ideas about capacitors and potential difference to look at how capacitors function in circuits.