
A Day of Variety

Code Blue drill during A Block, electric force practice during B Block, test correction work during C Block, electric fields during E Block and F Block worked on a plethora of static electricity labs... whew...

B Block - make sure you nail down those electric forces problem-solving skills. Good review of vector techniques and properties of electric forces. If you need to, review the videos presented a few posts ago for problem-solving ideas. Tomorrow - electric fields.

E Block took on electric fields today after tying up loose ends with electric forces. You should be able to determine the size of an electric field at a location when it is created by a single charge or is the product of multiple charges. Be comfortable with evaluating electric field lines and discussing how charges distribute themselves on different shaped objects. We'll go over the homework tomorrow before moving to the next chapter and starting a discussion of electric potential energy.

F Block spent the long block conducting a number of experiments that highlighted aspects of static electricity. Different methods of charging were used to generate charge on neutral objects and the action of electric forces, both attracting and repelling, were observed. Tomorrow, we'll look at what is behind the generation of electric forces - electric fields.