
Happy Halloween!

And a special shout out to all those who dressed up to celebrate...

Physics A and B Blocks enjoyed their Chapter 4 exam and will start with work and energy tomorrow. For your homework, remember that I am looking for how you use the terms work, power and energy, not how a scientist might use them. We'll add that part in class, but take time to think about what meaning or meanings you give those words. We'll share ideas tomorrow before starting in on work.

Introductory Physics reviewed their acceleration due to gravity and air resistance labs. We also took time to review the protocol for writing the lab synopsis and how to properly script a solid conclusion section. We then hopped into Newton's 3rd Law of Motion to conclude our discussion of good ol' Isaac (for now). Do your best not to succumb to the pitfalls of interpreting N-3. N-3 talks about the forces that arise during interactions, not the results for the objects in the interactions. That's N-2's job. The forces arise simultaneously, despite the time-lag implications of the term action-reaction forces. Lastly, the equal and opposite forces act on different objects and, therefore, are not the forces we talk about in a discussion concerning equilibrium. We'll review Newton's laws and our ideas about free fall/gravity in preparation for Friday's quiz. That quiz will center on the math of this section of work, so be prepared to button-punch that calculator!

Honors Physics went over their work on power, then turned to a review for tomorrow's Chapter 5 exam. On Friday, we'll start in on momentum and conservation of momentum. We won't be leaving the idea of forces and energy, so keep those topics in an easily accessible room in your mind palace.