
Getting Read for Tests

This week has a test for every class and today was spent starting to get ready for them...

Physics A reviewed Bernoulli's Principle and Bernoulli's equation before walking through the chapter to highlight the topics and formulas relevant for Wednesday's exam. Tomorrow is a series of activities to demonstrate Bernoulli's principle and there will also be time for additional review.

Physics B did the above, but reversed. Yeah... so that's about it...

Intro Physics discussed conservation of mechanical energy and the concept of efficiency. It may be unpleasant, but not all energy put into a system, physical or biological, comes out in the form of useful work or energy. Some is always converted to a form not usable in the current circumstances. Therefore a measure of work output/work input or energy output/energy input will always come out as less than one. That is a measure of the efficiency of system, therefore it can be said that efficiencies of real systems will never be 100% and even theoretical/non-friction systems could ever exceed 100%. That would be a blatant violation of conservation of energy and the universe does not hold with nonsense like that. Class ended with more practice for work, energy and power which we will review tomorrow as part of our general review for Wednesday's exam.

Honors Physics reviewed their work with the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics and heat engine efficiency before walking through the chapter as part of a general review for tomorrow's exam. I'm there before school tomorrow if you have any last-minute questions.