

Intro Physics spent the period finalizing ideas for scientific figures, practicing implementing rules of significant figures in problem solving and reviewing for Monday's exam. We walked through the chapter page by page, highlighted important information and addressing areas of question. Tomorrow, a lab investigation that will open the door for our next unit of study - motion.

Honors Physics discussed their free-fall motion homework problems before receiving a set of slightly more challenging problems to work in in class. We'll go over those tomorrow before reviewing for Monday's exam. Physics D and F also worked on kinematics problems during the period and we attacked issues at an individual level, so folks could find ways to properly set up and solve these problems. Here's a quick video with an example of how to work through a typical kinematics problem:

Physics D and F have their Chapter 1-2 test on Tuesday, so make sure to look things over this weekend come with questions on Monday. We're discussion free-fall acceleration tomorrow, but Monday is a full-period review, so come prepared...