

Despite a fire drill this morning, all went swimmingly to end our first week back. Intro Physics discussed the use of models in science and began to dig into the specifics of the scientific method. D Block Physics completed their discussion of models and hypothesis and started to dip toes into the area of measurement. The SI system was reviewed and we looked at both the importance of and the techniques for unit conversion. Remember, I don't necessarily care the method you use for unit conversion so long as it works for you. However, on a test, I need to see your work so that I can assign partial credit for a problem if you get the wrong answer. On Monday, we conduct our first lab investigation centering on the use of the Vernier system and then the linear relationship between weight and quantity for a manufactured object (pennies).

This was the lab Honors Physics worked on today, which obtained excellent results. We walked step-by-step through the setup and take down process for the Vernier equipment, highlighted problems and pitfalls, and then students undertook their investigation in their groups, demonstrating that weight per penny is a very constant property. We ended the period by reviewing the lab data and discussing ideas for the write-up that's due on Tuesday. For F Block Physics we addressed any final questions about the lab they worked on yesterday and then launched into Chapter 1. We looked at the scope of physics, the use of models in science and how the scientific method involves models in it's processes. On Monday, we start to look at the SI system and dimensional analysis.