
Lots of Manic Motion

Intro Physics moved form their work on acceleration yesterday to a lab that focused on position-time and velocity-time graphs of accelerated and unaccelerated motion. Yesterday, we looked at graphs of accelerated motion and compared them to graphs we had studied of motion with constant velocity. Today's lab had students interpreting graphs and having to mimic the motion presented by the graphs by walking back and forth in front of a motion detector. We'll go over this lab tomorrow before reviewing our homework problems for acceleration. Then, it's a long hard look at the kinematics formulas!

Honors Physics concluded their small unit on angular kinematics with a discussion of tangential and centripetal acceleration. Remember that tangential acceleration is associated with a change of speed and centripetal acceleration is associated with the continuously-changing direction of circular motion. We looked at how these values can be convereted mathematically from one to the other and will go over the homework problems for this before taking a quiz on this material. Friday - it's vectors!

Physics D and F reviewed their work with vector resolution then moved on to working with non-perpendicular vectors. We practiced finding the resultant of non-perpendicular vectors in class and here's a video to remind you of the techniques as you work with the homework problem we started at the end of class...