
Feelin' Friday

Today was a day of variety - the only constant was the cold. Physics reviewed rotational dynamics problems and had a general discussion about the midterm exam. Physical Science delved into temperature and the idea of temperature gradient driving heat transfer between objects. Remember, despite our utter hatred of it - there is no physical quantity called "cold." Heat flows and our nerves key in on the direction, rate and amount of heat flow to tell our brain something about what we are touching or feeling. Something can't give you "cold," you give away your heat and your brain interprets the signal accordingly. Honors Physics investigated buoyant force and density. Most groups calculated a density for tapwater that was greater than that for water as a pure compound. Not surprising, when you take into account the residue that evaporated water from our faucets leaves on glassware and the floaty things we see swirling in beakers of water when we fill them from the tap. Extra particulates mean increased density.

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