
Midterm Exam Week!

Believe me, it is not any more fun for the teachers than it is for you. Here are a few tips for making the most of the week.

  1. Don't Panic! Midterm exams are not supposed to be some trial-by-fire event. You will have covered all of the material and will have seen similar questions/problems on your previous exams. The more relaxed you are, the easier it is to remember things, make connections and reason things out.

  2. Make multiple passes through the test. First, answer all the questions you definitely know. Then, go back and catch those you are pretty sure you know or will take extra time to work through. Leave the ones that you draw a blank on for last. By the time you get to them, your brain will be tired anyway, so if you can't muster the mental energy to address them appropriately you won't feel so bad - there's a good chance you wouldn't have gotten them right regardless. Also, there is the time factor - make sure that you answer all of the questions you are strong on during the allotted time. If you aren't finished with the exam by the end of the period, again, it is the items you are shaky on anyway. Nothing is more frustrating than being brain-drained or out of time and have questions remaining that you feel good about.

  3. Don't change answers unless you realize you've misred the question. How many times have you had the right answer and changed it? More times than having the wrong answer and changing it, I bet. The ol' subconscious gives you a hand now and then...

  4. Evaluate your answers to problems. Often the pattern for an answer can be predicted - velocity should go up or down, force should be larger or smaller, etc. - based on the general situation of the problem. Does your answer agree with what should happen? Also, use reason for numerical answers. Use order of magnitude estimates and common sense to check for decimal errors

  5. Ask if you don't understand a question. The teacher can't help you answer the question, but they might be able to clarify exactly what they are looking for or correct a misperception on your part.

  6. Bring work or reading material in case you finish your exam early. Don't disrupt the other people still working by asking to go to your locker - have the stuff with you. Same goes for the bathroom. Go before class or right at the start of class

  7. The old advice of getting a good night's sleep and eating a good breakfast is not balderdash. Both are linked to mental acuity. The brain processes information while you sleep - give it a chance to work through your evening's studying in peace. Also, the brain runs on glucose - having your blood sugar crash during a test will not do your thinking ability any good.

  8. Take your exams seriously. They count for a big chunk of your year's grade. Hopefully, you've been reviewing for awhile and have been keeping up with the work in class. Make your exams/projects the priority this week - not work or recreation. Put in the necessary time and effort to do your best.

  9. Don't miss school! Only Friday afternoon is set aside for makeup exams. If you miss a day, you've missed two exams and have to squeeze them into that period. Also, the office has to approve you taking make-up tests.

So, tomorrow is A and E block exams, Wednesday is B and F Block, Thursday is C and G Blocks and Friday (the half day) is D Block. Good luck!

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