
Day 5 C Block

Day 5 of the schedule is my least favorite day of the rotation. C Block is long and I am assigned to hall/bathroom duty. 90 minutes sitting in front of the bathrooms checking passes. The joy is describable...

Honors Physics went over their relative motion homework and engaged in a general review of the chapter in preparation for tomorrow's exam. If you are wondering what will be on the test exactly, consider that the exam block is only 41 minutes and I like to assess your understanding of the material as a whole. You can probably assume that any single problem that takes 20 minutes to work through will not be on the test. The lab on Thursday will lead us into our examination of forces. Remember to have the work for Friday completed and ready to go. You might also want to read through 4.3 in your books in preparation for your lab investigations.

Physical Science B reviewed their homework and worked out any bugs with their understanding of the Motion material. We also took time to to look over motion questions from the previous MCAS exams. Math, graphing and basic understanding of concepts...nothing surprising, but they do require thorough and accurate knowledge. The lab activities tomorrow will emphasize the basics of motion and also of the action of friction on objects in motion. Exam on Thursday and a review of the lab, MCAS items and a start to forces on Friday.

Physical Science E went over their Motion and Forces worksheet and began working on a review sheet for motion concepts. We will go over this sheet tomorrow, as part of the review for Thursday's exam (remember to omit #9 and 10). I will give you some practice MCAS exam questions tomorrow that will also help to review for the chapter exam.

Physics F and G completed their projectile motion. We ran through the homework problems and the normal problems that folks encounter with these showed up today, as well. So, if the homework gave you some trouble, do not be discouraged. These problems do take some practice and discussion before the technique for their solution sinks in. We completed, also, our discussion of relative motion and will use tomorrow as review time for Thursday's exam.


Honors Physics: Study for exam
Physical Science B: Read lab protocol sheet and complete Motion and Forces worksheet
Physical Science E: Complete motion review sheet
Physics F: 3.3 Section Review
Physics G: None

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