
Moving Through Motion

A busy start to the week – and nice weather to boot!

Honors Physics went over their projectile motion worksheet. A few folks were given the wrong sheet on Friday. If you notice that, say when you are checking the answers online, email me and I can send you the right one electronically. We also chatted about relative motion and how it can affect our perceptions of and calculations for a situation. We will go over the homework tomorrow and any other items in the chapter you wish in preparation for Wednesday’s exam.

Physical Science B reviewed Chapter 10 and began to work on a study guide for Thursday’s exam. We will look at how the MCAS approaches motion tomorrow and use questions from old MCAS exams as part of our exam review.

Physical Science E contrasted balanced and unbalanced forces and spent extra time discussing friction. You should be able to define and contrast static and kinetic friction, as well as the flavors of kinetic friction : sliding, rolling and fluid. We will go over your worksheet tomorrow and begin working on a study guide for Thursday’s test.

Physics F and G completed their projectile motion lecture and had time to work on practice problems for horizontal projectile motion. Think about how you approached your calculations in the last lab when working on this problem set. We’ll go over these tomorrow and conduct a discussion of relative motion. Wednesday will be exam day, so start preparing questions!


Honors Physics: Practice 3F and 3.4 Section Review
Physical Science B: Complete Motion Review worksheet
Physical Science E: Complete Motion and Forces worksheet
Physics F and G: Complete Practice 3D, 3E #3 only and #'s 34 and 37 of the Chapter Review

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