
The End of the Week

Honors Physics reviewed the spot-check problems and then brought up any final questions or problems in preparation for Monday’s exam. On Tuesday, we will begin the unit on magnetism, induction and alternating current and will conduct a lab on magnetic fields on Wednesday.

Physical Science B had one group completing their hands-on projects after a debriefing of the lab experience by the class as a whole. Students then started working on review for next week’s exam, which we will go over first thing Monday morning. Tuesday is set aside for MCAS practice and addressing any last-minute questions or problems before Wednesday’s test.

Physical Science E completed the last bit of their hands-on electricity experience and groups that finished early started on the review work for Wednesday’s exam. We will discuss this review on Monday and browse through the chapter highlighting concepts and skills relevant for the exam. MCAS practice will further serve to reinforce the concepts.

Physics F and G began the review process for Tuesday’s exam. We went through each of the four chapters on electricity and pointed out the specific information and skills for which students will be responsible on Tuesday. Then, a bit of review work was assigned that we will go over on Monday.


Honors Physics A: Study for exam
Physical Science B: Chapter 16 Review items #12-28, 33
Physical Science E: None
Physics F and G: Electricity review packet

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