
Electricity Home Stretch

Honors Physics reviewed their electric power work and then walked through the 4 chapters that comprise the electricity unit. For each chapter, the relevant material was highlighted and students were given a sheet that specified which math skills would be required for the exam. A series of review problems was assigned that we will go over first thing tomorrow. Take time tonight, also, to pull together any questions or problems that you want to discuss tomorrow.

Physical Science B completed their circuit building activities. Some groups began their outside research and others finished the last few projects in their packets. The whole enchilada is due on April 16 (next Friday), so students should have plenty of time to pull together a nice package to submit. Tomorrow, we’ll discuss the projects and begin MCAS review for electricity.

Physical Science E had a long block to complete their lab activities. Groups have nearly completed the hands-on portion and are now ready to work on the outside research. Water alarms, conductivity meters, radio transmitters, radio receivers and Morse code generators were part of the day’s offerings. The deadlines for the completed projects/research are the same as B Block, so everyone should have sufficient time to pull their work together. We'll take some time tomorrow for groups to finish up their final activities and then discuss the circuit unit as a whole.

Physics F went over their series and parallel circuit lab and then, along with G Block began a discussion of electric power and electric safety. Electric power is no different than mechanical power in that it is a measure of the rate of energy use/work production. An appliance with a larger power rating than another doesn’t do more work, it simply does the work faster. We’ll review over this tomorrow and then move into the review process for the electricity exam.


Honors Physics A: p. 655 #20, p.656 #37, p. 684 #27, p.719 #41, 43 and 51, p. 757 #43d and e, p. 759 #49
Physical Science B and E: None, although outside research may be started
Physics F and G: Practice 19C #1 and 4, 19D and the 19.3 Section Review

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