
Winding Down with Electricity

Honors Physics had a final go at combined circuits and did a nice job. Then, we tackled electric power and devices for electrical safety – fuses, circuit breakers and GFI’s. Tomorrow, we’ll review power and begin to pull together all the pieces of this unit. Look to the note packet and the ancillary reading I gave you to guide your exam preparation.

Physical Science B is nearly finished with building their electronic devices. Today, students made radio transmitters, radio receivers (and got to listen to a variety of AM stations in class) and Morse code generators. A few groups have a bit left to do and will get a chance to work again tomorrow in class. We will also begin to discuss the lab activities and work on MCAS practice for electromagnetism.
Physical Science E continued to build their circuits, constructing such devices as motion detectors and water alarms. They compared the conductivity of tap water with salt water and sugar-water. Tomorrow, our long block, should see all groups finishing their projects, which will bring them flush with B Block. Project discussion and MCAS practice begins on Friday.

Physics F conducted their series and parallel circuits lab, and got to see the patterns we discussed in class play out in real life. Series circuits see the same current through each resistor, but different potential difference drops across each resistor. Parallel circuits show the opposite pattern. Tomorrow, we’ll discuss the lab in more detail and take a look at electric power and electric safety.

Physics G discussed their series and parallel lab investigation and used the lab to review material for series circuits and highlight information about parallel circuits. Students got practice evaluating parallel circuits in class and will get more practice with the homework. We’ll hit electric power tomorrow and then begin the review process for the electricity exam.


Honors Physics A: Conceptual Challenge p.709, Practice 19C and the 19.3 Section Review
Physical Science B and E: None, except to make a start on the research for the circuits projects
Physics F: Complete lab write up
Physics G: 20.2 Section Review

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